Sell Item

Here are the guidelines for listing items on the marketplace:

  1. Place the item you want to sell in your in-game inventory.

  1. Speak with the Marketplace Manager and click "Store Items to Marketplace."

  1. Click "Add Item."

  1. Choose the item from your inventory that you want to place in your Marketplace inventory. For example, select "Boots[1]."

  1. Once you've made your selection, the item you chose, such as "Boots[1]," will appear in the NPC's dialogue box. If you don't have anything else to add, click "Back."

  1. After clicking "Back," click "Store Items Now!"

  1. Your item, for example, "Boots[1]," is now in your Marketplace Inventory.

  1. Visit, log in, and you will see your item, like "Boots[1]," in your marketplace inventory.

Ththe official InvasionRO marketplace link is and nothing else.

  1. Click "Sell" and a small window will appear. Enter the price and currency for your item, such as "Boots[1]," and click "Sell."

  1. Your item, like "Boots[1]," is now listed on the Marketplace.

  1. You can check your item, for example, "Boots[1]," by clicking the "Marketplace" navigation at the top and clicking the bag icon on the left, below the House Icon.

  1. You'll see all the items listed in our marketplace.

  1. You can click on the item you want to view to see its information.

Congratulations! You have successfully posted the item you want to sell on the marketplace. Just wait for someone to make a purchase so you can earn a profit.

Last updated